Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sneak Peak

We finally got our Crib!.....It's a long story; however once we picked it up we realized that we didn't want to put the crib together until we painting the walls in Cohen's room. The colors in Cohen's room are going to be Apple Green, Chocolate brown, and a little bit of blue.
SO, we started our painting job today. Here is a sneak peak, as there is A LOT still to do.

PS: For those who are worried...There was a window open, I bought the most heavy duty with filter mask, and I only did the "cutting in" part of the painting. Steven did the rest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's gonna' be PERFECT!!! And you are adorable! I'm so proud of y'all doing this on your own! Keep us posted! xoxo Mom & Dad