Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Cohen's latest pics!

He will probably hate me for this one day; however lots of people want to see the guy. All of his measurements "looked great." The nurse is poking around with the ultrasound wand and says, "yep...both kidneys are there. That is good" and I thought to myself, I just worry about what to put in the nursery next or what is for lunch and he is busy in there making kidneys! What a miracle. It is amazing the things we take for granted. Well, Here is the evidence that he is indeed 100% boy:

Also, I am so excited about my most recent Birthday gift! My amazing mother in law made it possible to take prenatal yoga. I used to take yoga classes when I lived in Addison and really enjoyed it. I have read that prenatal yoga can really help with the birthing process as well as help to align your body during pregnancy. From years of tumbling and dancing, Cohen is doing a number on my already bad hips, so I hope that this will help. My first class is next monday.....I will let you know how it goes. Has anyone experienced a prenatal yoga class?

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